Should I Outsource IT Support Services?

Posted By: Helen Wednesday 17th March 2021 Tags: ,

At LaneSystems we have shared a number of blog posts based on outsourcing IT Support and the benefits of doing so. Today we’re going to briefly look back over some of these articles and further discuss outsourcing advantages based upon the current climate. As a country, we’re all on the edge of our seats in hoping this lockdown is the final lockdown and life will begin to revert back to ‘normal’.

But will business life see ‘normal service resume’?

Potentially not, no. Having been forced into remote working, many UK companies have realised it’s not only a cheaper way to run a business, it provides teams with flexibility and motivation. Based upon this example of change, outsourcing IT services is not only useful and cost effective, it’s necessary.

Do you remember what it was like before COVID?

On Friday 20th March, we posted a blog called 4 Questions to ask when Outsourcing IT Support. At this point in time we were teetering on the edge of the initial national lockdown with life as we knew it becoming uncertain. When compiling the ‘four relevant questions’, we did so without knowing what was looming around the corner.

Do these questions remain relevant?

We asked:

What IT Goals do you have? We will almost guarantee many answers will be different now to what they were a year ago. Alongside standard objectives such as increasing performance and ensuring compliance, today’s aims will potentially include solid security for remote working.

What IT related tasks would you like to achieve? This could be anything from purchasing new machines to increasing server space and maximising security. Whilst the latter has always been fundamental, it’s perhaps now more so than ever. Companies must be prepared to focus on cyber security in the office and for those working at home and this is likely to be a priority for many of you reading this.

What does the SLA look like? Twelve months ago we highlighted the need for businesses to study the Service Level Agreement attached to their chosen IT Support company. Based upon goals and expectations it’s intrinsic to ensure the SLA fully meets requirements and has the ability to step up should the world go bonkers!

How do you approach IT Security? As mentioned above, secure systems are essential. Not only should you be aware of the security levels you’re receiving, it’s important to understand how your IT partner ensures safety, even more so in today’s economic climate. 

Perhaps we need to add a fifth question into the mix;

Have you chosen an IT Support Company that easily adapts? Can you make certain that in the event of a situation requiring additional, fast, alternative IT support, your partners are up to the task?

We even gave you some reasons to Outsource IT!

Around the same time last year, the LaneSystems team offered you 9 reasons to outsource IT support:

  1. Manage Staffing Costs
  2. Manage IT Related Costs
  3. Maintain Workslow
  4. Reduce Stress
  5. Stay Business Focussed
  6. Access to Latest Resources
  7. Reduce Risk
  8. Ensure Security
  9. Be More Competitive

We’re adding a final, prominent reason;

10.  Manage Change Easily & Swiftly

Let’s remind ourselves of the pros and cons;

Choosing to outsource aspects of a company comes with it’s own unique set of pros and cons and this is something we discussed back in April 2019.


You’ll work with an expert: Rather than having to rely on the limited knowledge of an existing team member, you’re able to work closely with a specialist who isn’t being taken away from their usual daily tasks.

It’s a cost effective service: The difference between specifically hiring for the role and outsourcing is potentially thousands. This method saves money.

Internal resources are used wisely: Team members remain focussed whilst having straightforward contact to IT support as and when required.

Privy to the latest hardware & Software: It is the job of IT technicians to be knowledgeable in the latest technologies and how these will benefit their clients.

Ability to solely focus on the business: By not having to be concerned with IT related issues, Directors and Managers are able to spend their time further developing the business.

And the negatives?

At the time there was only one identified; and there still is!

Control: For the individuals who prefer full control over every business related aspect, outsourcing may be difficult. However, building a solid relationship with a reputable partner ensures you’ll be equipped with all relevant and necessary information. 

So why should you outsource IT Support Services?

Based upon the last twelve months, we don’t need to highlight anymore than we already have as to why outsourcing IT support is important. Don’t get left behind. Keep your systems secure in the office and at home and let’s pull together to prepare for a better year ahead.